Tuesday, November 27, 2012


When I first felt,
most delicately,
the acute, concerned edge of treason
my revivified lungs and blood and saliva
began to circumvent guilt
and I thought for a moment my outmost emotion could not grow past this point:
Excalibur slicking air after all,
Andromeda stuck in her eternal fall,
gasping for Cassiopeia's burn
grasping for the vernal tilt and turn
when the zodiac was still
in tact
and your eyes, finely tuned, 20/20 vision
before all that
"I made a mistake,"
and, "wont you just listen?"
Now I can't even admit it,
the conscience I'm missing,
So I teeter right at the edge (not off)
though that would make sense
just precariously balanced,
perpetually under the influence.

These days,
it's almost under control
adder, rattling in the pit of my gut
contagion active, but not aware
slick, coiled obsidian viper
asleep, but immortally there
my breath stinks of pomegranates
my teeth not teeth
but oozing, viscid seeds
My eyes as dull
and black as beads
My skin flakes in the warmth of spring
Your sight, amaurotic,
groping in darkness
handicapped fingers pricking on everything I've given you
and always at the whim of my thread
all of that hope, asleep but not dead

standing there, surrounded, reptilian skin sins
you moan like a bitch in heat.
I dream of quarantines and burning bibles
I tab my tongue, and shake some hands
but thirst for the worst
of its many symptoms,
just another victim
of restless universe syndrom. 

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