Tuesday, November 27, 2012


When I first felt,
most delicately,
the acute, concerned edge of treason
my revivified lungs and blood and saliva
began to circumvent guilt
and I thought for a moment my outmost emotion could not grow past this point:
Excalibur slicking air after all,
Andromeda stuck in her eternal fall,
gasping for Cassiopeia's burn
grasping for the vernal tilt and turn
when the zodiac was still
in tact
and your eyes, finely tuned, 20/20 vision
before all that
"I made a mistake,"
and, "wont you just listen?"
Now I can't even admit it,
the conscience I'm missing,
So I teeter right at the edge (not off)
though that would make sense
just precariously balanced,
perpetually under the influence.

These days,
it's almost under control
adder, rattling in the pit of my gut
contagion active, but not aware
slick, coiled obsidian viper
asleep, but immortally there
my breath stinks of pomegranates
my teeth not teeth
but oozing, viscid seeds
My eyes as dull
and black as beads
My skin flakes in the warmth of spring
Your sight, amaurotic,
groping in darkness
handicapped fingers pricking on everything I've given you
and always at the whim of my thread
all of that hope, asleep but not dead

standing there, surrounded, reptilian skin sins
you moan like a bitch in heat.
I dream of quarantines and burning bibles
I tab my tongue, and shake some hands
but thirst for the worst
of its many symptoms,
just another victim
of restless universe syndrom. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


  1. Assign stories and compile Budget for week of Nov. 19, Today
  2. Mass Media and Society discussion paper, due Nov. 14
  3. I've Got Levitation Gallery review,  due Nov. 15, 8 a.m. 
  4. Watch 3 - 5 episodes for Comm. project + take notes, due Nov. 15
  5. Astronomy homework, extra- credit, due Nov. 19
  6. Study for Astronomy quiz, Nov. 19
  7. Compose letters of recommendation emails for Patricia, Chella
  8. Write spoken word poem, due Nov. 20 (rap with Sean Urbany)
  9. Attend Michael Gilbert's lecture Friday, Nov. 16
  10. Apply for classes Friday, Nov. 16
  11. Mass media discussion paper, due Nov. 19
  12. Compile budget, Stories: 1 2 3 4 5, due Nov. 20
  13. Write spoken word for The Event, due Nov. 27
  14. Finish SFSU application, due Nov. 30
  15. Write personal statements ONE and TWO for UC's, due Nov. 30
  16. Finish UCSB + UCLA applications, due Nov. 30
  17. Do astronomy magnitude homework, due Dec. 3
  18. Study for astro quiz, due Nov. 26
  19. Communication discussion essay 1, Due Nov. 26
  20. Communication discussion essay 2, Due Nov. 29
  21. Watch 15 episodes of Modern Family, write synopses, due Nov. 28
  22. Write Rational for Mass Media final project, due Nov. 28
  23. Interview actor for article, 1:00 p.m. SBCC fountain, Nov. 27
  24. Write article, due Nov. 30
Next Week:
  1. Work extensively on Communication final project, due Dec. 3
  2. Extra Credit for Mass Media, 3 pages "discussion" research, due Dec. 6
  3. Compile poems for College of Creative Studies application
  4. Write sestina, prose-poem, sonnet, due Dec. 1
  5. Finish Communications project, due Dec. 3
Near Future:
  1. Actually study for Mass Media and Society final, tentatively Dec. 5
  2. Compose Journalism portfolio, due Dec. 5
  3. Compose poetry portfolio, due Dec. 5
  4. Finish SAIC application, due Jan. 1
  5. Finish College of Creative Studies application, due Jan. 14
  6. Finish Pratt application, due Feb, 1
  7. Puget Sound app, due March 1

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I always knew you
Despite that diaphanous conscious choking
Your birthright ability
To feel and be felt
(in your beautiful head and your loins as well)

My king, my panacea
Once fisted his lissome fingers
Walked out the door
and crossed the continent
to settle

The loss of charming innocence
Peony breath and reverence
To our imbroglios love;
its entropy

My knack for adaption
And your inure. 

Friday, November 2, 2012


Ethereal rabbit fur coat
Wrapped gently about your shoulders before
Your shoulders folded in on themselves
And your hair was all translucent gold
Shining like the heart of the void that
Touched your pupils and clung,
A plague.

Gone were the days of your childish lilt
Lost to pathways of a labyrinthine imagination
You ingénue
You forest of a woman
Leaving men half-cocked, trapped
In the penumbra of your mother’s, mother’s nose
You are petrichor in the depths of chapels in Venice
Where you saw the mummified saint,
Smaller than you were
that seeded a skepticism
you nurture still;
a miracle in the pocket of your
iron will.

That is why he notices your lithe limbs
When they
Pause with some inexplicably graceful motion
Whist reading a novel you’re only half paying attention to
And that is why the scintilla is always enough
Busting up into micro-fireworks all across his brain and chest and genitals

Like vestigial hopefulness
At the end of it all
And then, and so on, and so forth
I guess.